Our Mission
Located in the beautiful Hocking Hills near Columbus, OH, it is a quick and convenient drive that feels a million miles away – providing the serenity and connection with God’s creation that only being emerged in God’s creation can provide.
Geneva Hills exists to impact the lives of our community by providing unforgettable experiences and the opportunity for all of God’s children to grow in the wonder of His nature.
Our history
The beautiful 350 acre campus of Geneva Hills has been a cherished haven for summer camp ministry since its inception in 1959. Initially conceived as a Presbyterian Camp, Geneva Hills ran summer programming for children that impacted countless lives over five decades of dedicated ministry. The beloved Camp Director, Dick Beidler (pictured), along with his wife, dedicated over 30 years of their lives in service to Geneva Hills.
However, in 2011, faced with financial challenges, the Presbyterian denomination made the decision to transfer the stewardship of the cherished Geneva Hills property to a new 501(c)3 organization, aptly named “Geneva Hills Group Inc.” This non-profit entity was specifically formed to safeguard and perpetuate the original gospel-focused mission. This development ensured the continuation of the transformative Christian Camp experience on the hallowed grounds of Geneva Hills.

Our Beliefs
Although we were originally established as Presbyterian Camp, Geneva Hills now operates as a non-denominational camp with it’s own set of theology that it abides by. Geneva Hills is founded on preaching the good news of the Gospel and seeing lives radically changed through the work of the Holy Spirit.
“This place is truly Holy Ground, blessed by God to be a meeting place for saints and sinners. And to this place God brought people who were searching for Him, for peace and tranquility, for adventure or simply for refuge from the world outside.”
– Sharry McElfresh